У меня почти коллекция осенних открыток. Уже нашедших своих именинниц и еще свободных, которые можно приобрести. Almost collection of cards. Already presented and free which can be bought.
Cards #1. Свободна/Sale/"From the heart"

Cards #2. Свободна/Sale/"We congratulate"
Cards #3
Cards #4. Свободна/Sale/"We congratulate"
Cards #5.
Cards #6. Свободна/Sale/"With the best regards"
Cards #7. Свободна/Sale/"Don't be sad!"
Cards #8. Свободна/Sale
Cards #9. Свободна/Sale/"I do"
Mail adress anastasiaelena.design@yandex.ru
Cards #1. Свободна/Sale/"From the heart"
Cards #2. Свободна/Sale/"We congratulate"
Cards #3
Cards #4. Свободна/Sale/"We congratulate"
Cards #5.
Cards #6. Свободна/Sale/"With the best regards"
Cards #7. Свободна/Sale/"Don't be sad!"
Cards #8. Свободна/Sale
Cards #9. Свободна/Sale/"I do"
Mail adress anastasiaelena.design@yandex.ru